Amilie's Birthday 2013 to 2016

As we have not been updating for very long, a lot of birthday celebrations were missed out. I had a hard time finding all the photos as the pictures are scattered everywhere. Luckily I managed to find all the pictures. The top picture is the latest picture.

As the children grow older, I kept forgetting how old they were. I remembered there was one year that I even put the wrong age on the cake. You can imagine the shocked I got when I realised that the age was wrong when I collected the cake that day.

Here's 2013, I don't even remember that she chose the strawberry shortcake for her birthday that year. It looked nice and pretty. While looking at the pictures, I missed their chubby cheeks. The chubbiness are all gone! (Was told to type this by Izaac)

Amilie Birthday 3

2014, we chose a Rapunzel cake for her. I guessed that time they were watching Rapunzel movie. That's why the cartoon character was chosen.

Amilie Birthday 4

Last year, yes! that's the year that I had forgotten her age. Had the cake written as 9 instead of 10 and guess what? I only realised on the day I collected the cake and it was only after Izaac reminded me that it should be 10 instead of 9. So embarrassing! I had no choice but to put the candle near the number 9 and hopefully it could look like 10. Hehe

Amilie Birthday 2

When there's birthday cake, there will be birthday song and making wishes. Here's the only 2 videos that I could find.

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