The Collection

Most of the time when we visit my mum, we are sure to come back home with bags of things. Went to my mum's place and here's what she had kept for us. Here's what happen when my siblings are older than my kids by a few years. Age difference between my brother and Amilie is only 5 years apart.

Since my siblings had grown out of Hi-5, Barneys and other VCDs, my mum had actually packed for us.

The above pictures only shows 1 stacks of the 3 and half stacks that we brought back from my mum's place.

You could imagine the TV addict aka Amilie stuck to the TV with all the 'new' VCDs

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6 comments on “The Collection”

  1. Jazzmint- it's scary looking at the CDs. But some of the CD covers were misplaced. Can imagine the mess.

  2. On one hand i appreciate hand-me-downs a lot. On the other hand i get a headache when i get too much and dont kn what to do with them. hahaha~~~

  3. Haha Angie, sometimes I hand them to another little kids. Or I just kept it and totally forgotten bout it.

  4. Haha! LZmommy, my kids were fortunate to have a lot of hand-me-down stuff, from Cds to clothings to toys. I saved a lot indeed.

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