Recently the 2 little Tangs were 'attacked' by the Flu virus.
On Thursday, Izaac woke up feeling feverish. Went to see the doctor and the fever might be due to the teeth. And was having flu at the same time. He was grouchy in the morning, before I left for work. When I reached home, he seems fine. Only sound like still having flu.
This morning, Amilie's voice sounded different and caught the flu too. Now that Amilie is able to convey herself in words, it's easier to know what she wants and where she's not feeling well. And I could easily tell her to blow her nose now. Could clear her nose more easily.
Though both little kiddos are 'sick', they are still as active as ever. Izaac's still a little terror, climbing chairs and pushing chairs, touching any buttons he could see and trying to reach things on the table (Just got smack by PapaTang for almost pulling a cup down from the table) 😛
Amilie singing happily to the songs with Barney. Though her singing sometimes is 'difficult' to understand but well, think she would improve on it someday. 😉
Hope that they would have speedy recovery, it hurts to see them having to hear their 'blocked nose voice'.
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hope ur 2 little kids have a speedy recovery !!
It must be tough on both of you that both children are having flu. Hope they are feeling much better by now.
Thanks LZmommy & anggie, they are better already.