A smile a day keeps the doctor away!

Do you know that I'm at my happiest when my dearest Mummy comes back come from work at the end of everyday?

Why you cannot see my happy face? A picture tells a thousands stories and from the look on my face, one can tell how happy I am!
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Mummy, if you are reading this, do you know how much I miss you daily ever since you start going back to working. If you measure it by distance, well take a look below, that's how much I miss you daily, and that's the reason I lost my appetite recently.

How I wished Mummy you are here everyday to look after me, pamper me and talk to me! You how bore I am daily, having to listen to the monotone voice of Jie Jie and always being interrupt from my ever so lovely Grandma by my sister. My dear sister is always clinging on to her, distracting my granny from putting her attention on me. What a attention seeker!

One last thing before I go off..................

Mummy! I love you!

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